Oh hey, blog, what’s up?

Well, here I am, almost a month later, and I’m sheepishly returning to my poor, neglected blog. I fear I am going down the path that most bloggers take: they start up a shiny new blog with much vigour and vim, lots of forth-pouring ideas and regular updates… and then they start to drift. And drift. And the blog comes to mind occasionally, but not with any real gusto, and eventually, it dies a sad and lonely death.

Oh, Front Porch Revolution! I don’t want that to happen to you!

But we haven’t been revolutioning much lately, have we? There are few things as sad as a revolution that peters out. Especially in light of the recent revolutions around the world, it feels like one huge eye-roll to confess that I couldn’t keep it up. So I’m bucking up, friends. And giving it another shot.

To be fair to me, I have recently returned to work after a year of maternity leave. A glorious, luscious, richly-spent year, I might add. So much learning and indulging and drinking up life! But now, things are fairly frantic all the time, and when I do get a moment to stop, I want to stop. Like, plop down in front of the t.v., or go to sleep. I feel like in order to write something here, it has to be brilliant and thought-provoking, and meant to accomplish something. And that feels like it’s going to take a lot of time, which feels overwhelming, and so I just give up.

But I think if this project has meant anything to me, it’s that giving up is what causes bad things to win. As long as people are complacent, disinterested and demotivated, nothing changes. I need to remember that every time I feel like smacking someone who is doing something willfully damaging to the only environment we have to live in. I need to remember that every time I see big business screwing over the little guy. I need to remember that every time I watch people choose “convenient and cheap” over “fair and honest”.

Even if it feels insurmountable, never give up. Even if it seems impossible, never give up. Even if others mock the effort, never give up. Never give up caring, because if we do, we’re lost.

More tomorrow (or the next day).

About Maryellen Boyes

Sometimes, being average works to your advantage. I don't have much, but I have a front porch and some big ideas about how to make things a lot better, starting with what we assume is normal.
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